Wastewater treatment in duck processing

Duck processing is very popular all over the world – especially in Southeast Asia. No wonder, because in this part of the world the professional breeding of ducks already began 4000 to 5000 years ago. A millennium later, domestic duck farming also started in Europe. Today, duck meat is regularly on the menu of many households. Duck processing and meat processing in general produces wastewater that must not flow into the environment without treatment.

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ClearFox® wastewater treatment in duck processing

Domestic duck processing continues to gain importance

There are almost 50 million ducks in the world. Most of them are bred, only about two million live in the wild. Agricultural breeding is playing an increasingly important role. Although ducks like ponds or gently flowing waters, these are not necessary for breeding. Therefore, breeding ducks is much easier than breeding other types of poultry, which makes duck processing possible for smaller farmers.

The duck meat of the different breeds differs greatly in its nutritional values. While Peking duck meat is considered particularly tender and low in fat, the other breeds are richer in unsaturated fatty acids, B vitamins, iron, zinc and copper. With 19 grams of protein per 100 grams, athletes also like to reach for lean duck meat from time to time.

Duck meat comes in numerous varieties – from tender cold cuts to whole roasts. The duck processing therefore involves various steps in which hygiene plays a decisive role. This is particularly important in all meat processing. Slaughterhouses and butchers process duck meat under running water. As a result, blood, urine, fat and oil in particular mix into the wastewater, leading to higher BOD and COD.

ClearFox® solutions support the duck processing process

ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants reliably clean wastewater from duck processing. Three solutions stand out in particular: the ClearFox® DAF and the ClearFox® FBBR and SBR systems. In a dissolved air flotation, flocculants bind almost all suspended solids in the wastewater. This increases their surface area. Fine air bubbles carry the suspended matter upwards, where it collects as sludge in a cone opening. The system discharges the sludge to the outside at regular intervals.

ClearFox® FBBR and SBR are two biological treatment processes. The fixed-bed biological reactor consists of net tubes on which the microorganisms found in the wastewater attach and grow. They convert the dissolved solids into secondary sludge, which is separated from the clear water by a lamella clarifier. Microorganisms also treat the dissolved wastewater components in the Sequential Batch Reactor. A special aeration system supplies them with oxygen so that they reliably clean the wastewater. The secondary sludge settles on the bottom of the reactor. The clear water zone that forms on top of it is discharged to the outside by a mammoth pump.

ClearFox® containerized wastewater treatment for duck processing

ClearFox® treatment plants are particularly suitable for wastewater treatment in duck processing as well as in the whole meat processing. For industrial applications, the ClearFox® team installs all plant components in ISO sea containers. This makes them modular and mobile. If necessary, they can be expanded and moved to another location. In addition, the team tests each plant in the main factory in Bayreuth to ensure optimum quality. All ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants leave production as turnkey systems, so the time required for installation and commissioning on site is kept to a minimum.

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