Industrial wastewater types

Different industrial wastewater types are produced in industry. In the individual categories, certain ingredients are typical for the respective wastewater. In the case of cleaning water, oils and fats may be typical, while in the case of agricultural wastewater, a high nitrogen content is typical. Categorising wastewater makes it easier for each company to find the right solution for treatment.

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What are the different industrial wastewater types?

Cooling water

Cooling water forms the main part of industrial wastewater. It is produced during cooling processes, usually in a self-contained cycle. Nevertheless, companies have to dispose of part of the cooling water in order to feed new water into the cycle. Since cooling water is hardly contaminated, companies can usually discharge it directly into the environment. However, there is a risk of thermal pollution. Cooling water absorbs the thermal energy of the production process to cool it. If companies discharge the heated cooling water into the environment, living organisms in need of a cool environment can be harmed. Therefore, companies must pay attention to the temperature of cooling water when discharging it directly.

Production water

Production water is industrial wastewater that is produced during a production process. This can be water that is also conveyed during oil and gas extraction or condensate water during wood processing. Production water also occurs in food processing plants. Therefore, the dissolved substances and their concentration in the production water vary greatly. The task of every company is therefore to examine the production wastewater in detail to determine the best possible wastewater treatment method.

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Cleaning wastewater

Industrial cleaning wastewater is produced in all companies where hygiene plays a decisive role. On the one hand, these are food processing companies such as slaughterhouses, breweries, or distilleries, on the other hand hospitals or pharmaceutical companies. The components of industrial cleaning wastewater can therefore vary greatly – from blood and animal fats to drug residues. Depending on their needs, companies must choose individual systems for industrial wastewater treatment.

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Wastewater from agriculture

Agricultural wastewater is mostly slurry, which is largely produced by keeping pigs and cows. In addition, there is wastewater from the cleaning of stables. The nitrogen load of this industrial wastewater is particularly high. Since farmers are obliged to spread their manure on the fields, they have to reduce the nitrogen content to such an extent that they do not overload the soils. Treating wastewater to the prescribed nitrogen concentration is the best solution here.

Sanitary wastewater

Sanitary wastewater is generated by staff in all companies. It is produced in toilets, washrooms, sanitary facilities, and kitchens. Since it can be black water, it is easy to treat biologically. Depending on the trade, oils, grease, and soap residues can also be mixed into the wastewater when washing hands. It is therefore often worthwhile to treat it together with the cleaning wastewater.

ClearFox® solutions are individually adapted to the different types of industrial wastewater. Our specialists know the typical parameters of the individual wastewaters very well. Let us advise you so that we can offer you the best solution for your type of wastewater.

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