ClearFox® DAF
The ClearFox® DAF is a modular unit, designed for highly efficient treatment of any type of industrial wastewater. With advanced technology, we can achieve higher removal rates of pollutants than competitor products. The ClearFox® DAF is a flexible solution that can be applied to a wide range of wastewater applications. Capacities range from 1 m³/hr to 250 m³/hr. Containerised DAF solutions are modular and can be installed as standalone solutions or as pretreatment in a wastewater treatment plant with other process steps.
Advanced physical and chemical treatment process
COD removal of up to 85%, BOD removal of up to 85%, Oil removal of up to 99%, TSS removal of up to 95%.
DAF systems are high efficient for cleaning wastewaters from industrial and production processes such as:
- Meat processing / Slaughterhouses
- Fish processing
- Dairy factory / Milk production
- Wine / Juice production
- Breweries
- Canning factory
- Commercial kitchen / Canteens
- Restaurants
- Cosmetics production
- Food transport company
- Chemical industry
- Pharmaceutical industry
- Petrochemical industry
- Textile industry
- Paper industry
- Municipal wastewater cleaning
- Plastic recycling industry
The ClearFox® dissolved air flotation series is characterized by its extremely robust, space-saving design. It can be supplied skid mounted or fully containerized. The great success of this technology is based on its simple and cost-effective operation. Modular DAF units have been installed in many major European food producing facilities and industrial wastewater applications globally. The ClearFox® DAF modules can be supplied with other ClearFox® modules as part of a larger solution or as standalone solutions.
Benefits of the ClearFox® flotation technology are as follows:
- Highly efficient in COD/BOD/FOG reduction (up to 99%)
- FOG removal in food and beverage industry
- Self-cleaning patented design (no mechanical scraper required for many applications)
- Two stage DAF – not just single stage like standard DAF systems
- Integrated feed pump
- pH adjustment and flocculation system
- Lower chemical requirements than standard DAF systems
- Made from polypropylene and high-density polyethylene which has a higher resistance to many liquids/chemicals when compared to steel
- Suitable for high TDS wastewater
- Totally automatic operation
- Standardized manufactured models
- Compact design with smaller footprint than standard DAF systems
- Clog-free saturation system
- Pre thickened flotation sludge produced
- Easy to service
The ClearFox® dissolved air flotation plant is fully automatic. A helical rotor pump feeds the water from the onsite equalisation or collection tank to the reactor.
The wastewater flows through a pH-regulation system, where pH-fluctuations are adjusted. Then, wastewater flows continuously into the DAF reactor. Additives are mixed in a polymer preparation station in order to aid the flocculation and flotation process.
These flocculants are mixed automatically with the inflowing waste water. A multiphase pump saturates the outlet of the water continuously with air, which is then recirculated into the reactor. The pressure release causes a flotation of the floatable particles. These accumulate in the upper section of the reactor and are separated by a self cleaning process, or with a scraper for special applications. Flotation sludge is removed via a cone-shaped opening with compressed air.
The plant is fully automated and depending on the wastewater flow, a high-quality effluent is achieved at all times. The system is very robust, and uses no cleaning devices with movable chains or scrapers (needing lubricants etc.), that require constant maintenance. The Systems have proven their reliability in many industries over the years, particularly in the food industry.
Cleaning efficiency:
The Cleaning-efficiency depends on how high the degradation rate of the waste water is and operator behavior.
The effluent is largely free from fats and oils, and is purified to an indirect discharge quality, allowing direct discharge to a sewer. Typical effluent standards are as follows:
- pH 6.5 – 7
- COD 1.000 mg/l,
- BOD 500 mg/l
- TSS 100 mg/l.
There is no change in temperature as a result of the process, and the effluent quality is suitable for biological post-cleaning.