ClearFox® Nature designed for up to 50 PE

In May 2022, PPU had its ClearFox® Nature domestic sewage treatment plant tested for a total capacity of 50 PE. The reason for this was the further development of the non-electric small wastewater treatment plant to the higher total capacity. The PIA GmbH – the international testing institute for wastewater technology – certified the capacity increase in accordance with the European standards EN 12566-3 and EN 12566-6, making the ClearFox® Nature also suitable for small businesses or residential communities.

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ClearFox® Nature – the market leader in the field of non-electric wastewater treatment

The ClearFox® Nature is the non-electric domestic sewage treatment plant from PPU. It makes PPU the market leader in this segment. It has already been installed in over 50 countries, and is a popular solution for treating domestic wastewater, especially in Germany, France, and Hungary. Until now, the small wastewater treatment plant was only tested for 8 PE. However, as more and more companies or larger residential communities have become interested in the ClearFox® Nature in recent months, PPU had it tested by the Testing Institute for Wastewater Technology based on the European standards EN 12566-3 and EN 12566-6. The PIA GmbH certified the ability to treat domestic wastewater up to 50 PE without any objections.

In the field of domestic wastewater treatment, only a few companies have so far focused on a completely non-electric wastewater treatment plant. The ClearFox® Nature is a two-chamber system. The wastewater first flows into the first chamber, where it is initially allowed to rest and all solids settle to the bottom. When the wastewater reaches a certain level, it flows into the second chamber. A tilting device distributes it evenly over the bioreactor below, which consists of a growth material for microorganisms. These attach themselves to it, multiply and metabolise the nutrients in the wastewater. Due to endogenous sludge consumption, there are no or only very few filterable substances in the outlet.

Download the new ClearFox® Nature certificate

ClearFox Nature certificate 50 PE
ClearFox Nature small domestic system

With the ClearFox® Nature, the customer receives a particularly low-maintenance and reliable small wastewater treatment plant. At the same time, the ClearFox® Nature is particularly durable. It works exclusively with mechanical parts, and the developers have also focused on robust workmanship. It is therefore hardly necessary to maintain the ClearFox® Nature or replace parts. The only work that has to be done about once a year is the removal of all settled substances from the primary treatment.

The ClearFox® Nature cleans wastewater up to 50 PE reliably, without electricity and at low cost. Contact us to benefit from all the advantages of the ClearFox® Nature.

Read More about ClearFox® Nature Projects

ClearFox® Nature

ClearFox® Nature (EN12566-3) tested by PIA

ClearFox Certificate

ClearFox® Nature has received the license for retrofitting

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