German embassy in Mali

A non-electric sewage plant ClearFox® Nature installed in Africa

nicht elektrische Kläranlage
stromlose Kläranlage






ClearFox® Nature a non electric sewage plant


Clearfox received the order for a sewage treatment plant for the German embassy in Mali. A system was needed that could achieve a high treatment standard without a reliable power supply.

Mali is located in central Africa and has a population of 17,467,108 inhabitants.


A wastewater treatment plant was needed that could treat wastewater and discharge it into the natural environment without pollution. A system was required that needed minimal maintenance and that coudl operate with an unreliable power supply.

The ClearFox nature is particularly suitable for regions where there are hardly any specialists for maintenance and operation, as no expert knowledge is required to operate this septic tank. Only the inlet throttle has to be cleaned from time to time and if necessary a sludge removal has to be arranged. Thanks to the non-degrading material and its compactness, ClearFox® nature won the tender.


This non electric sewage plant with its two biological reactors has a size of 16 population equivalents and is operated completely without electricity.

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