Wastewater treatment for the chemical industry

ClearFox® compact module with fixed bed process enables direct discharge

Industrial wastewater treatment

Wastewater treatment for the chemical industry

ClearFox® compact module with fixed bed process enables direct discharge

Industrial wastewater treatment

Project Details

Size 10 m³/day
Location Germany
Completed 2023

Project Delivery

Features Pre-treatment to enable biological wastewater treatment
Treatment for indirect discharge
Treatment Modules ClearFox® FBBR compact module
ClearFox® Clarifier

Project Results

Before After
COD 7,333 mg/l <500 mg/l
BOD 1,833 mg/l <40 mg/l



A company in Germany produces various chemicals that are used in detergents and medicines, among other things. Around 10 m³ of wastewater is produced every day both during the production of the chemicals and during the cleaning of the production equipment. The company collects this in plastic containers so that it can be transported away.

The removal of wastewater for further treatment is associated with high costs. The company was therefore looking for a way to treat the wastewater directly on site so that it could be discharged into the sewerage system.


The first challenge in this project was the ratio of COD to BOD5, which was still unknown at the time. The company commissioned a laboratory analysis from the PPU to determine the exact parameters and the associated treatment process.

The investigation revealed that the COD was significantly higher than the BOD5. This resulted in an unbalanced C:N:P ratio. To achieve the ideal ratio of 100:10:1, it is necessary to add urea and phosphorus. This enables the biological treatment of the wastewater to the required discharge values.


The ideal solution for this project was the ClearFox® FBBR process for biological wastewater treatment as a compact system. A 20-foot sea container contains a buffer, the FBBR process, a lamella clarifier and the dosing stations.

At the beginning, the wastewater flows into the buffer to equalise the inflow peaks. During the transition to the fixed-bed process, the plant adds urea and phosphorus. The biological treatment of the wastewater begins in the fixed-bed reactor. Microorganisms settle on the fixed-bed material and inhale the pollutants.

As the biological growth increases, some of it sinks to the bottom of the tank and forms secondary sludge. The system pumps this sludge, together with the treated wastewater, into the lamella clarifier. There, the sludge is separated from the clear water using a physical process. After this treatment step, the company can safely discharge the wastewater into the sewerage system.

The ClearFox® compact module is mobile and modular – it is easy to transport and can be expanded as required. Installation and commissioning on site was completed within one day. The system has been in operation since March 2023 and has been providing excellent wastewater treatment ever since.

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