Customer builds concrete foundations for modular containerised solutions

PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH is building modular containerised solutions for wastewater treatment for a customer in the oil and gas industry. Before the wastewater treatment solutions arrive in North Africa, the customer has the task of building concrete foundations for the safe stand of the treatment plant. For modular containerised solutions, a secure stand is important to ensure reliable cleaning performance.

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ClearFox modular containerised solutions for wastewater treatment

Modular containerised solutions for the oil and gas industry

The oil and gas industry produces high volumes of wastewater and is one of the ten largest water polluters in the world. Wastewater treatment through modular containerised solutions is therefore particularly important. In addition to oils, salts as well as hydrocarbons mix into the wastewater. The pH value is slightly acidic, and the sum of dissolved substances can be up to 300,000 milligrams per litre. Modular containerised solutions are therefore the best choice for purifying wastewater to the prescribed discharge values.

Modular containerised solutions from ClearFox® can consist of different components, always adapted to the customer’s needs. For this oil and gas customer, the ClearFox® team chose a combination of denitrification, dissolved air flotation, lamella clarifier, fixed bed biological reactor and ultrafiltration. On the one hand, the customer from the oil and gas industry has the goal of discharging the wastewater directly into the sea; on the other hand, they would like to use it to irrigate the local green spaces.

Installation and commissioning of the modular containerised solutions

The construction of the concrete foundations was an important step to accommodate the installation of the modular containerised solutions. These now form the basis for a secure stand. To position the modular containerised solutions, the client now has the task of providing the necessary equipment before delivery. This includes, among other things, a crane, forklift truck and barriers around the site.

Modular containerised solutions from ClearFox® are specialised for use in hard-to-reach locations. By using standardised ISO sea containers, they can be transported overland by truck and by sea by container ship. As all modules are pre-installed in the main factory in Bayreuth, only installation and commissioning are necessary at the site of operation. This plug & play process makes ClearFox® modular containerised solutions stand out for the oil and gas industry.

ClearFox concrete foundation for modular containerised solutions

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