ClearFox® solutions strengthen wastewater treatment in Russia

From 7th to 9th September 2021, PPU Umwelttechnik visited Ecwatech in Moscow, Russia. James Clarke, International Sales Manager and Yevheniya Hordyshevska, Marketing Manager, represented the company there. The fair was a great opportunity to strengthen wastewater treatment in Russia with ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants.

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ClearFox® wastewater treatment solutions in Russia

Exhibitions are a crucial channel of customer communication

For PPU Umwelttechnik, fairs and exhibitions are an important part of the overall communication. Personal contact plays a decisive role here, which only takes place to a limited extent in digital communication. Although the visitors, the majority of whom were Russian, informed themselves about ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants on the website and via social media, they sought personal contact at the exhibition to discuss a solution for their specific wastewater challenge.

Already on the first day, the flow of visitors reached a considerable size, which increased again on the second day. The guests were given an insight into production at the main site in Bayreuth. PPU Umwelttechnik manufactures all ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants in Germany, which the visitors particularly appreciated. The extensive experience in development, production and sales turned out to be a great advantage.

In addition, the visitors were particularly interested in reference projects, which PPU Umwelttechnik can ideally present in Russia. Visiting an already realised project of wastewater treatment in Russia is often a decisive criterion for future cooperation. Often, the guests also asked about the possibilities of filtering substances that are difficult to treat, such as heavy metals, from the wastewater. PPU Umwelttechnik developed the DiOx EO process with diamond electrodes for precisely these purposes, which earned the company additional sympathy points.

Wastewater treatment in Russia is particularly important for industrial companies

Wastewater treatment in Russia has only been improving steadily for a few years. Until 2017, only about 10 percent of industrial companies and municipalities cleaned their wastewater to a set standard value. As a result, about 30 to 40 percent of the inhabitants regularly used water that did not meet hygienic requirements. The Volga Basin, where a large part of Russia’s industrial and agricultural land is located, is particularly under pressure.

Most customers enquired about industrial projects. Oil and gas production as well as the metal processing industry were in the foreground. Municipal wastewater treatment systems were also in the visitors’ focus, as were solutions for the food and beverage industry. With the chemical-physical treatment process, such as the ClearFox® DAF or the biological ClearFox® FBBR process, PPU Umwelttechnik offers particularly reliable and cost-efficient solutions for wastewater treatment in Russia.

ClearFox® sewage treatment solutions in Russia

The expectations with which the ClearFox® team travelled to Ecwatech in Moscow far exceeded the visits, discussions and cooperation. James Clarke and Yevheniya Hordyshevska were able to arouse interest, inspire potential new customers and cultivate existing contacts. In this way, they strengthened PPU Umwelttechnik in the Eastern European market to support wastewater treatment in Russia.

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