Wastewater treatment for refugee camps

Every day, thousands of people around the world flee war, destruction, or persecution. There is a great willingness to help in many countries, so refugees find safe accommodation elsewhere. First, refugee camps are set up to accommodate the people and provide them with initial care. Wastewater treatment for refugee camps plays a crucial role.

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ClearFox containerised sewage treatment systems

Rapid help with wastewater treatment for refugee camps

When it comes to wastewater treatment for refugee camps, fast action is crucial. In the camps, not only sanitary wastewater is produced, but also water from washing clothes or cleaning. This quickly results in several cubic metres of wastewater that must not be allowed to flow into the environment without treatment.

How can help be provided quickly?

PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH guarantees fast and unbureaucratic help with wastewater treatment for refugee camps. The employees accept enquiries at any time and offer individual solutions for every camp size. Short decision-making processes and an open exchange of experience guarantee prompt support. Within a very short time, you will receive solutions for mobile wastewater treatment tailored to your needs.

Mobile and compact wastewater treatment for refugee camps

PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH specialises in mobile wastewater treatment in containers. These are particularly well suited for wastewater treatment in refugee camps. The containerised sewage treatment systems are mobile and modular. The standardised ISO sea containers can be transported all over the world by truck or container ship. On the other hand, they are ready for use upon delivery. The ClearFox® team only has to connect the plant to the wastewater storage tank, ensure the power supply and discharge the treated water in accordance with regulations.

The containerised sewage treatment systems work almost independently. Detailed instructions are given on site by the ClearFox® installers, and the time required for maintenance work is kept to a minimum. An intelligent control system detects the inflow volume and adjusts the cleaning performance accordingly. If required, each mobile wastewater treatment solution can be equipped with an additional wastewater storage tank. All PPU systems are robustly constructed and guarantee continuous and reliable cleaning performance.

ClearFox refugee camp wastewater treatment
ClearFox modular solutions for refugee camps

PPU has experience with containerised sewage treatment systems

In the past years, PPU gained a lot of experience with containerised sewage treatment systems. These include worker camps in Algeria, Iraq or Libya. The challenges in these projects were often the quick availability of the solutions and the extreme environmental conditions. All ClearFox® container solutions fully satisfy the customers.

Lease or rent a mobile wastewater treatment solution

PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH has a stock of containerised sewage treatment systems that you can lease or rent. This gives you the option of using the treatment plant only temporarily. In the case of wastewater treatment for refugee camps, this is a decisive advantage, as you have greater planning security. Often, the start-up time for leased plants is also shorter, as there are still remnants of microorganism in the plant.

What PPU Umwelttechnik GmbH offers you

✔️ Uncomplicated and quick assistance

✔️ Transparent communication with short decision-making processes

✔️ Prompt delivery to any desired place of use

✔️ Low acquisition and operating costs

✔️ Reliable systems for wastewater treatment

✔️ Compact, mobile and modular solutions

✔️ Short start-up time for fast cleaning results

✔️ Wastewater treatment for direct or indirect discharge

✔️ Low maintenance and simple operation

Contact us so that we can find the best solution for you!

ClearFox mobile wastewater treatment

Read More about ClearFox® worker camp and municipal projects

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