PPU donates a sea container

PPU has donated a 40-foot ISO sea container to the regional football club TSV Donndorf-Eckersdorf. In the future, this container will be used to store sports equipment for the club. In this way, the Bayreuth-based company supports sport in the region. 

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ClearFox sea container

Sea container as ideal solution for wastewater treatment plants

Why does PPU have sea containers in stock? PPU specialises in the production of wastewater treatment plants. The solutions are suitable for private homes, municipal wastewater, and industrial wastewater. The company exports around 90 percent of its wastewater treatment solutions worldwide. To ensure international transport and offer maximum compactness, PPU uses standardised ISO sea containers to install the systems in. This design is particularly suitable for remote regions, as customers often only need a power connection to operate the system. 

The use of ISO sea containers has numerous advantages: not only do they ensure safe transport, they also provide enough space for the entire wastewater treatment system and protect it from external influences. For example, ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants are already operating in the desert of Egypt, in remote areas of Libya or in Sweden. The regional football club TSV Donndorf-Eckersdorf is now also benefiting from these unique selling points. 

ClearFox® sea containers as the ideal solution for use in popular sports

TSV Donndorf-Eckersdorf is well-known in the region. It is not only dedicated to men’s football, but also promotes sporting activities for children and young people in the region. Therefore, it is a matter of the heart of PPU to support it with an ISO sea container. The club uses the container to store sports equipment such as balls, goals, and other training materials. The sports equipment is thus optimally protected, which guarantees its longevity. 

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