Haupt pharma, pharma industry

Wastewater treatment with ClearFox® DAF

Pharmaceutical industry

Haupt pharma, pharma industry

Wastewater treatment with ClearFox® DAF

Pharmaceutical industry

Project Details

Size 5 m³/ hr
Location Germany
Completed 2015

Project Delivery

Features Direct discharge into the Danube river
Treatment Modules ClearFox® DAF

Project Results

Before After
COD 1127 mg/l 612 mg/l



A major company for pharma industry involved in the manufacture of skin creams for sun projection required a new wastewater treatment plant. The factory is located adjacent to a tributary river of the Danube, so treated wastewater enters this protected water body. The manufacturing process produces wastewater from pharma industry is with an extremely high BOD and COD. And there are large amounts of emulsified oils in the wastewater that need to be removed.


As the treated pharma industry wastewater must discharge into the Danube river, a very high level of treatment is required. Also, an online monitoring system was requested by the local government to control the pharma industry wastewater discharge. The system is located in an urban area, so noise and odour were also major concerns. Failure to clean the industrial wastewater contaminated with oils would result in the need to tanker away the wastewater each day, at huge cost to the client. A standard DAF would not be able to achieve the required cleaning standards.


A high efficiency DAF was selected for this project. Unlike a standard DAF, it achieves a far higher cleaning efficiency with regard to the removal of oils. This allowed the client to meet their effluent targets with just one treatment step. To prevent any nuisance from noise or odour from pharma industry

The complete system was located within containers, with all air passing through carbon filters to remove any small. This provided a totally silent and odour free system.

A containerised dewatering system was also supplied to reduce the amount of sludge produced from the pharma industry. Turbidity meters were also installed to measure the turbidity of the cleaned wastewater. If the turbidity ever exceeded the discharge compliance limits then the wastewater is recycled through the system again for further cleaning.


  • Site inspection
  • Design and planning
  • Installation and setup
  • Training to onsite operators
  • Continuous maintenance and remote monitoring 

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