Delegation from Ethiopia visited PPU

At the beginning of September 2022, a delegation from Ethiopia visited PPU in Bayreuth. The aim was to find wastewater treatment solutions for the East African country. The focus was on commercial fruit and horticulture.

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ClearFox FBBR for Ethiopia

Ethiopia focuses on the cultivation of fruit and horticultural products

Over the past 15 years, the country of Ethiopia has created tens of thousands of jobs in the production of cut flowers – mainly roses for international export. Now that this business is established, the country plans to take further steps in the fruit and horticulture sector. The export of horticultural products is a promising sector in Ethiopia. Since this sector requires a particularly large amount of water, intelligent and efficient use of the available water is especially important.

PPU offers the ideal solutions in this area. Water supply is a challenge in Ethiopia. Especially in the industrial sector, its use must be always questioned. Therefore, the organisers plan to treat industrial water to use it afterwards for irrigating the fruit and vegetable gardens.

Delegation from Ethiopia interested in ClearFox® wastewater treatment plants

The delegation from Ethiopia was therefore particularly interested in the ClearFox® Nature. The non-electric sewage treatment plant purified wastewater between 4 and 50 PE. The main advantage is the reliable wastewater treatment without electrical energy. This reduces operating costs to a minimum. The ClearFox® Nature has hardly any mechanical parts, which makes it particularly low maintenance. Therefore, PPU gives up to 15 years warranty on selected parts. The tank is rotationally moulded so that it has no predetermined breaking points. This makes it ideal for both above ground and below ground installation.

For larger applications, PPU offers SBR systems. These can be installed in a tank of any size, shape, and material. For example, an underground concrete tank that holds the wastewater can be worthwhile. The SBR system is installed there and supplies it with oxygen. The microorganisms thus form an activated sludge that reliably treats the wastewater. The SBR system is particularly compact, which is why transport costs are kept to a minimum.

The delegation from Ethiopia represented over 100 partner companies active in the fruit and horticulture sector. We look forward to future exchanges and are always open to cooperation with Ethiopian companies.

ClearFox DAF for Ethiopia
Wastewater treatment for Ethiopia

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